P&ACT- Prevention & Action through Community Engagement and Training

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About us

Asian Women’s Resource Centre has a holistic and person centred approach to supporting women and works closely with women from BME communities who are victims/survivors of domestic abuse, sexual abuse and harmful practices.

AWRC provides practical and emotional support ensuring that women are able to make informed choices about their future in regards to accessing  legal advice, guidance and counselling services. Survivors of violence against women and girls are supported in securing safe housing, advocacy and interpreters.

This service also provides services in the following languages: Urdu, Guajarati, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Spanish, Portuguese, Kurdish, Bengali, Hindko, Pashto, Turkish & Azerbaijan.

Services ensure cultural sensitivity, confidentiality and survivor led interventions in a safe, non-judgemental environment. In addition, the organization has a open door policy for all women in need, from all ethnicities and backgrounds.